Become a PTA member and help support Holman Middle School's students and teachers! Membership is $10 per family. Select from either the Printable or Online signup form below. Options to pay include cash, check or PayPal.
Although we encourage and would welcome your involvement, you are not obligated to volunteer your time when joining the PTA. As a member of the PTA, your dues are helping us provide the activities and programs listed below (and more!). To become a PTA member, please click the green button, print the membership form, and return it to school with your dues. If you're also interested in volunteering, please visit the Volunteer page.
Teachers’ grants for equipment/programs/materials to enhance students’ learning experiences
8th grade activities (end of year celebration, Servathon, ropes course, St. Louis heritage tour)
Student incentives for PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention & Support) program
Dinners for teachers and staff during teacher conferences
Cookie receptions after band/choir/orchestra concerts
Back-to-School Breakfast for teachers and staff
Concessions at dances and other activities
Teacher appreciation week activities
T-shirts for student program leaders
Homecoming parade float
Family activity night